Hurricane Helene... 50/50 Split

This initiative has concluded

Your Gift Helped Unite People 

As the impact of Hurricane Helene continued to wreak havoc, communities were grappling with devastation in ways that was difficult to comprehend. Homes were destroyed, livelihoods disrupted, and lives changed. In times of unimaginable hardship, women bear the brunt of the storm’s aftermath. They face the loss of their homes and businesses and also the burden of rebuilding — often from the ground up.

That’s why we launched a special initiative to extend our hand to those most affected. From October 1-10, we committed to evenly split (50/50) all gifts received with the Women’s Fund of the Blue Ridge. Whether it was your first gift, an enhanced gift, or a renewal gift, your generosity during this critical window was shared to ensure maximum impact.

Research shows that Women’s Funds and Foundations move money nine months faster than traditional granting entities. In moments like these, speed matters. Additionally, it is women that remain engaged during the recovery and resilience-building process. By supporting this initiative, you stood with women facing challenges at every turn. You made a profound statement: we believe in women.

Photo Credit: Utility Dive

Photo Credit: Al Jazeera

Photo Credit: WBNS

Your gift was more than a donation. It was a lifeline. It was collective action. It was the power of philanthropy in motion. Together, we amplified our impact and ensured that women and families impacted by Hurricane Helene received the support they so desperately needed. Every gift mattered. Every gift was valuable.

We thank the donors below for helping us support the
Women’s Fund of the Blue Ridge.

1. Lisa Attonito
2. Cynthia Hasbrook
3. Beth Weckmueller
4. Samantha Wilson
5. Mo Zell
6. Annette Jacobson
7. Karen Von Rueden
8. Merry Wiesner-Hanks
9. Heather Nelson
10. Felisa Parris
11. Carrie Streiff-Stuessy
12. Neille Hoffman
13. Nancy Peterson
14. Callie Davis
15. Noelia V
16. anonymous
17. Robin Reese
18. Nicole Horvath
19. Ercan Ornek Architectural and Building Services, LLC
20. Janet Cohen
21. Tanya Atkinson
22. Justin Fermenich
23. Victoria Moerchen
24. Kosana Stojcevic
25. Sangeeta Edwin

26. Amalia, CFRE
27. Elaine Burke
28. Erika Sander
29. Megan Anderson
30. Diane M. Buck
31. Andrea Hubbert
32. Kathleen Turner
33. Dawn Filtz
34. Kelly Ottman
35. Sarah Shockey
36. Cheryl Moore, PhD
37. Carrie Arrouet
38. Lisa Schiller
39. Meagan Schultz
40. Shannon Watry
41. Celeste Cuffie
42. Heddy Keith
43. Kathryn A Norris
44. Pay-What-You-Can, Amaranth Bakery
45. Sherri Huff
46. Sue Hickey
47. Beth Odian
48. Lajwanti Waghray
49. anonymous
50. Christine Melby